Keep On Going

There’s a lot of reasons to want to quit any big dream you may have. Maybe someone who is close to you may have somehow convinced you that your dream is impossible. I like to remind myself that other people cannot control what goes on in my mind. They can’t control my actions. Only I can control my thoughts and actions. They’re just judging you by what they have experienced. It doesn’t matter if I still don’t have a job. Yes, things do not look like they are going in my favor, but I have a goal I must accomplish and I won’t let anyone or anything stand in my way. The world will remember who Kevin Navarro is. I don’t care if it takes me over a thousand or even a million tries just to become successful. Persistence is key. Motivation is key. I’m going to start a business. After starting my first business, it will branch out into other businesses. Becoming a rich and powerful man was my destiny. It’s only a matter of time before I finally earn my first million dollars. Who cares if you lose friends and family in the process. I never hung out with any friends to begin with (, especially friends that are girls). And I won’t be lonely if I don’t have a significant other. The moon is my best friend, and through the stars high up in the sky, I will be connected to other individuals just like myself. They are intelligent guys and girls who think just like me. As one, we are weak, but together, we can take over the world. Imagine the possibilities. Finally, I will be able to travel to Mexico and meet my grandparents for the first time. In the end, it won’t matter what my childhood or adolescence was like. What will matter is that I lived through it all. I manage to stay positive even when it all seems hopeless.

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