Try To Believe

Life can seem so unfair to so many hard-working adults.


Here’s a scenario: You get up in the morning, work your nine-to-five job, maybe take care of your kids if you’re a stay-at-home parent.

And then, (if you’re like me) you think: “is this all there really is?”

Every day, we wake up to whatever reality we have created for ourselves.

I believe that: in the beginning of our lives, we have little to no control over our own reality. Our parents and/or guardians have to help us until we reach the age where we are capable of thinking for ourselves.

I grew up in a working-class background. My Dad has an elementary school education, and my mom is a high-school dropout. Sometimes, I feel life is unfair because my parents didn’t have the opportunity to attend a community college or university.



Maybe that’s why I had trouble graduating from high school?

I used to feel intimidated by other kids whose parents had a high school education and/or college degrees. My parents are good people, but it’s difficult for me to express my enthusiasm for education when they don’t have much of an education themselves.

I watch my father spend much of his free-time watching television.

There are so many better things to do besides watch T.V.!

It’s like my dad isn’t aware of how short life really is. And, my mom does nothing but house chores. She often complains that she doesn’t have enough free time to go outside, learn to drive, get a job.

But, like I said, she creates her own reality.


So then, I think to myself:

“Is it up to me to change things around? Am I to lead a greater life than my father, to be (metaphorically speaking) a King?”

It’s a big change.

For someone to “jump” from a low social class to the highest social class.

Many people just like me have been shunned for wanting to believe in something, unorthodox. I don’t even care about money. I just want it so I can provide!

lower-to-higher-class  * In real-life, these two houses would never be in the same neighborhood.

I don’t care about the situation that you’re in.

Have faith in the universe, for it always has faith in you. 







A Changed Life

There is one basic thing that I could say I have been struggling with: the will power to make the decisions that you feel (deep down inside) are right. I’m sure that we have all experienced moments in our lives where we knew what we were supposed to do, but we didn’t act on our thoughts because we were embarrassed or afraid of the reactions of other people.



At least, that’s how I felt


As a child; I learned so many habits through television. Some of them were healthy. Some of them were unhealthy. I wish I had a role model in my life when I was a kid: an older brother or sister who could guide me, explain the concepts of making friends, going to birthday parties, sleepovers… so many things that I missed out on as a child.




There are other people in this world who have experienced more loneliness than I have, especially as a child. The media does have an effect on how we learn to socialize. I grew up in the western world. At times, I like to ask myself: “What is life like for teenagers and young adults living in the eastern world?” “What would happen if we joined forces?”



Life only gets really difficult if you believe it is so. You don’t always know what to expect from life. I think that’s exciting, and I don’t mind if my thoughts are irrational every now and then. (I’m glad that I’m taking medication so I don’t act out on the violent thoughts.) I continue to live because I can. God, our creator, brought us into this world with a purpose. If you don’t feel happy with your life right now, then, you have all the more worthwhile to experience great joy when you get the opportunity to feel the change in your life!





One Of Those Days

 In life, you have to have more than just a strong will. There have been days in my life where I have done everything I could to accomplish “great things”. I made sure to visualize my goals, act on what I felt was right, and then I went on to finish what I started. 

However, in the end, I didn’t feel a substantial sense of fulfillment. I felt like everything I did was not worth the amount of work invested. In other words, I didn’t feel like I was doing the right thing. After reading many self-help books, I’ve accepted the fact that the outside world may not always conform to your ideologies. Sometimes we may feel disoriented, but as humans, we have the oppurtunity to be able to change our emotional and physical states instantaneously. 

The bad moments are transient. Holding grudges doesn’t help. Sulking in your sorrows doesn’t help. But then why do so many people do this? I believe that it’s because we fall under the spellbinding notion that being depressed or frustrated does help. I see people with gloomy faces when I walk through my small neighborhood or go grocery shopping. My friends on Facebook talk about it. I’ve had my moments. I used to complain a lot. Complaining doesn’t do much. 

That’s why you should listen to your favorite songs, dance, write, read, jog. Do whatever it is that makes you happy. I could sit here and give you so many tips and tricks that I use to stay content with my life. That would be great. I enjoy helping others improve their lives. Granting all this, my intention is not to be your personal guru. My main objective is to get you to live, and to be able to finally take control because life is too short to give way to temporary troubles and anxieties.